
Robin thicke blurred lines unrated youtube
Robin thicke blurred lines unrated youtube

robin thicke blurred lines unrated youtube

This reflects on modern-day stereotypes, where the men do the hard work and the women are there to supplement them. The music video for Blurred Lines clearly sets out a hierarchy where the men are above the women. With this sudden change of style in content and material, the inclusion or nudity could be seen as a publicity stunt. This is also shown by the woman character in the music video wearing much more stylish clothing (RobinThickeVEVO, 2009). The use of words like “love” and the title line “lost without you” shows that this version of Thicke respects women and realises that there’s a deeper connection with them as opposed to viewing them as solely sexual objects (Thicke, 2006). In the music video of his highest charting hit so far, Lost Without U, he is seen being endearing and loving towards the female protagonist. His previous material is much more tame than that what is seen in Blurred Lines. This still suggests that the use of nudity within the video doesn’t improve the video, or make it anymore popular.īlurred Lines is Robin Thicke’s latest release from a music career which stretches back to 2003, when Thicke wrote his first album, A Beautiful World. However, this includes traffic on YouTube where the Clean version exists but the Explicit version does not. Currently the Explicit version has had 467,673 views on Vevo, where the Clean version has attracted 11,372,317 views (Thicke, 2013). This provides a good comparison between how people have taken to the controversial content of the video.

robin thicke blurred lines unrated youtube

Vevo, owned by a partnership of Sony, Universal and Abu Dhbai media, have a Terms of Service which allows explicit content as long as a “clean” version is offered as well (Learmouth, 2010). The popular music video website Vevo still carries the unrated version on it’s site, as their Terms of Service differs to that of YouTube.

robin thicke blurred lines unrated youtube

The argument could be made whether this could still be deemed as pornography, as the models are still dressed in very sexually suggestive underwear. The music video has now been replaced by a similar version where the models are wearing flesh coloured bras (RobinThickeVEVO, 2013). YouTube quickly reacted, acted on their Terms of Service and took the video off the site (Gizmodo, 2013). News articles quickly surfaced questioning how the video was allowed to be uploaded. One is “pornography or sexually explicit content”, which Blurred Lines has been seen to come under. This document outlines certain types of video which are deemed not suitable for YouTube. However, due to YouTube’s mass audience, Google, the owners of YouTube, has put in place a “Terms Of Service”, which can be found on their website ( Terms Of Service, 2010).


This is a form of exposure that an artist can’t shun, considering it’s free and YouTube was the most visited website between 20 ( YouTube Traffic Statistics, no date). Any artist, whether signed to a record label or not, can put their songs and accompanying videos into the public domain. YouTube has had a monumental effect on the change in music as it moves into the digital age. The video was uploaded on to the popular video hosting site, YouTube. “Blurred Lines”, Robin Thicke’s latest song featuring Pharrell and T.I, has caught the eye of many viewers as it includes women wearing nothing but a flesh coloured thong and shoes.

Robin thicke blurred lines unrated youtube